Amidst the ruins: Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder

All you need to know about BPD but were afraid to ask

Kevin Redmayne
14 min readFeb 3, 2023

It’s one of the most stigmatised conditions in all of psychiatry. Sufferers are maligned, judged and misunderstood, victim-blamed and shamed. On one hand, accused of being “manipulative” or “attention-seeking” and on the other “vulnerable” and in need of help. What’s it like living with Borderline Personality Disorder? Those with the condition will most likely recount a story of emotional torture and a life lived under a gaslight. From parents to clinicians, the ones who are supposed to help often end up causing the most harm. The good news is that BPD — as it is commonly abbreviated — is treatable, and those with the condition can and do get better. This article will tell you everything you need to know in order to reach recovery.

Seeking a definition

Borderline Personality Disorder is a severe and enduring psychiatric illness characterised by emotional, behavioural, interpersonal and cognitive instability combined with chronic self-harm. The causes of the condition are complex and unclear, however, there is a strong consensus that it is a combination of genetics, biology and trauma. In fact, over 70% of individuals with BPD have a history of adverse childhood experiences. Despite…



Kevin Redmayne

Freelance journalist writing on mental health and disability. Words have the power to shine a light on realities otherwise missed.